Monday, July 23, 2012

4 Month Stats

We had Lucy's 4 month check up today. She was a champ with her shots and has been recovering very well so far. She is up to 11 pounds 3 ounces (10th percentile) and 23.25 inches (15th percentile). She is growing like a weed. At her 2 month check up she was 10th percentile for weight and 5th percentile for height. Lucy exceeded all her developmental milestones and was given the go ahead to start rice cereal. Should be an adventure to say the least.

Here is the 4 month picture!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Almost 4 months!

Lucy is going to be 4 months old on Tuesday which just amazes me. I cannot believe how fast time goes by. We have had a wonderful summer with lots of visitors and adventures.

Lucy is now grabbing for things, rolling over from tummy to back and rolling to her side from her back. She has really good head control and prefers to be sitting up to laying down. Over the past 2 months she has been swimming twice and seems to like it. Her smiles melt your heart and we are soaking up every minute.

 Her 2 month pic and the official stats were 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21.75 inches long!

 Sitting in her Bumbo is one of her favorite things now.

 Got to love those grins!

She loves her Sophie and is always chewing on part of it!

Here is Lucy rolling over!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One Month Old

Lucy is one month old today. At the doctor's today she measured 6 pounds 7 ounces and 19.5 inches long. The doc was very happy with her growth.

The past month has been wonderful and exhausting all at the same time. The month started with a 2 week visit from my mom, She-She, to help us get settled in. We had a wonderful visit and could not have gotten through those first two weeks without her. We then did Easter weekend and that was quickly followed by a great visit with Grandpa Russ and Grandma Suzanne. They were here for a few days and we loved introducing them to Lucy. We had lots of other visitors over the last month. It has been wonderful to get to show off Lucy! One of neatest ones was Calum who is a kid I tutored from 6th grade through his senior year. We became good friends with him and his family. He is now in his 20s. They are living in Ireland now, but he was in town to see his fiancee and came to visit Lucy. It was great to introduce them!!

Here are some pictures from the last month.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby Baumann Has Arrived!

We are excited to announce that Baby Baumann has arrived and it is a GIRL!!

Lucy Marie Baumann was born on Saturday, March 17th at 5:15 am. She weighed in at 4 pounds 12 ounces and is 17.5 inches long.

We came home on Monday and are getting adjusted to her schedule. She is doing wonderful and we love every minute of it!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Induction Date Set

We got really good news today at the fetal medicine unit. It looks as if the bed rest has been doing it's job and the baby is up to 5 pounds 9 ounces. This is good for two major reasons. The first is that Grover is putting on weight and that is awesome. Second, if Grover had not put on weight they were going to admit me today to induce. So we got to leave the hospital today. The doctors have decided to induce though before my due date. They will induce on the 15th, so by the end of next weekend Grover will be here!! =) Say some prayers for us and we cannot wait to introduce our new little one.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Bed Rest Begins

After being monitored at the hospital last week and an OB appointment on Thursday, the verdict is in. I am now on bed rest. The good news is that is not full bed rest where I am only allowed out of bed for a shower, but it is bed rest where I am not working and only allowed to venture out of the house once a day if that. I must say it was very weird to wake up this morning not to an alarm and to not be at work today.

The good news is that I was able to go to work on Friday and close up my side of things and get my long term sub ready to go. I have to go the hospital's Fetal Medicine Unit twice a week from here on out for monitoring and the OB once a week. I would love to make it to our due date, but know idea what Grover's plan is! =) Say some prayers that Grover continues to stay healthy and they do not have to get him any earlier than necessary.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Another adventure in this journey

We crossed 35 weeks on Friday and the Wednesday before had our follow up appointment at the Fetal Medicine Unit. Unfortunately what was supposed to be a quick check in just to confirm what they found 3 weeks ago did not go as well as we hoped. Grover has decided to not grow as fast as he/she is supposed to be again. We had the ultrasound and the high risk doctor sent me for a non-stress test after the results of the ultrasound where not as good as hoped. The good news is that once again the fluid levels, blood pressures and heart rate are all still good, but Grover is just not putting on the weight they want. The following day we met with your OB and I was put back on partial bed rest. From here on out we have to go to the hospital's Fetal Medicine Unit for non stress tests every week and ultrasounds to check fluid levels and blood flows as needed. I will also be seeing my regular OB every week. So it looks like at least 2 appointments a week from here on out.

On a happier note, I did get permission from the doctor to go to my baby shower this weekend. My wonderful friend Nikki threw a wonderful party that was much enjoyed. Now onto the task of finding places for everything that came home. My parents came out for the weekend as well and it was great to spend more time with them to celebrate Grover and my birthday.

Please continue to say prayers for Grover that he/she puts on weight and I have a feeling it is going to be an interesting last 4-5 weeks!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


We had an appointment today with the fetal medicine specialist today and got great news. The tests all showed great growth and Grover is now in the 27th percentile. They are not concerned and think things look really good. We will go back in 3 weeks for another check, but it looks like things are going much better! There is even a good chance they are going to lift the bed rest/activity restrictions!

Friday, January 20, 2012

31 Weeks and Counting

So we are officially 31 weeks today. We are excited to be at 31 weeks, but we got some new information this week that has put us in the concerned category. We had a follow up ultrasound yesterday because the last ultrasound they were concerned about Grover's size. We were hoping with 2 weeks of major protein loading would help, but it has not helped as much as wanted. We have been recommended to be monitored not only by our OB on a tighter schedule, but also the perinatal unit at our hospital. The good news is the organs, blood flow and my fluid levels are okay, but Grover's size is not where they want it. I have been put on a modified work schedule and have to limit almost all activity. So it looks like I am going to have lots of down time so if you have any good book or movie recs let me know!

The doctors goal is to keep Grover in as long as everything remains steady and he/she continues to grow at least a little bit. If any of those things change, then they will reevaluate and make decisions from there. Please say some extra prayers. Every day or week we can get will give us an edge.