Monday, July 23, 2012

4 Month Stats

We had Lucy's 4 month check up today. She was a champ with her shots and has been recovering very well so far. She is up to 11 pounds 3 ounces (10th percentile) and 23.25 inches (15th percentile). She is growing like a weed. At her 2 month check up she was 10th percentile for weight and 5th percentile for height. Lucy exceeded all her developmental milestones and was given the go ahead to start rice cereal. Should be an adventure to say the least.

Here is the 4 month picture!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Almost 4 months!

Lucy is going to be 4 months old on Tuesday which just amazes me. I cannot believe how fast time goes by. We have had a wonderful summer with lots of visitors and adventures.

Lucy is now grabbing for things, rolling over from tummy to back and rolling to her side from her back. She has really good head control and prefers to be sitting up to laying down. Over the past 2 months she has been swimming twice and seems to like it. Her smiles melt your heart and we are soaking up every minute.

 Her 2 month pic and the official stats were 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21.75 inches long!

 Sitting in her Bumbo is one of her favorite things now.

 Got to love those grins!

She loves her Sophie and is always chewing on part of it!

Here is Lucy rolling over!