Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby Baumann Has Arrived!

We are excited to announce that Baby Baumann has arrived and it is a GIRL!!

Lucy Marie Baumann was born on Saturday, March 17th at 5:15 am. She weighed in at 4 pounds 12 ounces and is 17.5 inches long.

We came home on Monday and are getting adjusted to her schedule. She is doing wonderful and we love every minute of it!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Induction Date Set

We got really good news today at the fetal medicine unit. It looks as if the bed rest has been doing it's job and the baby is up to 5 pounds 9 ounces. This is good for two major reasons. The first is that Grover is putting on weight and that is awesome. Second, if Grover had not put on weight they were going to admit me today to induce. So we got to leave the hospital today. The doctors have decided to induce though before my due date. They will induce on the 15th, so by the end of next weekend Grover will be here!! =) Say some prayers for us and we cannot wait to introduce our new little one.