Tuesday, January 24, 2012


We had an appointment today with the fetal medicine specialist today and got great news. The tests all showed great growth and Grover is now in the 27th percentile. They are not concerned and think things look really good. We will go back in 3 weeks for another check, but it looks like things are going much better! There is even a good chance they are going to lift the bed rest/activity restrictions!

Friday, January 20, 2012

31 Weeks and Counting

So we are officially 31 weeks today. We are excited to be at 31 weeks, but we got some new information this week that has put us in the concerned category. We had a follow up ultrasound yesterday because the last ultrasound they were concerned about Grover's size. We were hoping with 2 weeks of major protein loading would help, but it has not helped as much as wanted. We have been recommended to be monitored not only by our OB on a tighter schedule, but also the perinatal unit at our hospital. The good news is the organs, blood flow and my fluid levels are okay, but Grover's size is not where they want it. I have been put on a modified work schedule and have to limit almost all activity. So it looks like I am going to have lots of down time so if you have any good book or movie recs let me know!

The doctors goal is to keep Grover in as long as everything remains steady and he/she continues to grow at least a little bit. If any of those things change, then they will reevaluate and make decisions from there. Please say some extra prayers. Every day or week we can get will give us an edge.